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柏林justmusic店购入的全新mother 32



  • 出售
  • Moog - Mother-32
  • 合成器
  • 全新
  • ¥5200.00元人民币


如题:柏林justmusic音乐店购入的全新mother 32,有正规发票和保修


  • VC controlled 32-step sequencer with 64 sequence-locations
  • Low pass & high pass moog ladder Filter (20Hz-20kHz) with VC controlled resonance
  • Moog oscillator with pulse and saw tooth wave outputs
  • MIDI input and MIDI to CV converter
  • 32 Modular patch-bay with 5 patch-cables 3.5 mm mini jack
  • 2 VC controlled mixer
  • Main module is Euro-Rack compatible
  • Line-/Headphone-output 6.3 mm jack
  • Line-input 3.5 mm mini-jack
  • Dimensions (W x H x D): approx. 319 x 107 x 133 mm
  • Weight: approx. 1.59 kg

Eurorack Specifications:

  • Width: 60 HP
  • Module depth: 26 mm
  • Power requirement: +230 mA (+12 V) / -0 mA (-12 V)